Sumedha Tulani

Counselling Psychologist

Hi! Welcome to my private practice.

I am Sumedha,  a trauma-informed counselling psychologist, with working experience of 5 years in the caregiving industry. My work is oriented around Counselling and Psychotherapy, Social Work in Mental Health, Teaching, Rehabilitation, Special Education, and Public Speaking.

I help people in overcoming emotionally painful challenges rising from anxiety, depression, grief, psychological and attachment trauma, heartbreaks, anger & shame, and life stress.

My purpose in life has led me to choose this profession, wherein I teach people to live in a stress-free relaxed body, heal from their emotional wounds, achieve their fullest potential and enhance the quality of their life.

I feel privileged to be able to offer you a warm and safe space to unload all your worries of life.

Identify what you feel


I am good for nothing. I will never be good enough.


I can't do this, what if I hurt myself again?


I messed it all. It's all my fault.


Nothing good will ever happen to me.


I feel so numb. I am just lost.


I don't want to disappoint others. I hate myself


Nobody loves me.


I am deeply deeply hurt, I will not let this thing happen to me.


What will others say or think about me?

How May I Help You?

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Counselling Sessions
Workshops Conducted
Pro Bono Clients

What our clients say

Sumedha is a professional. Highly competent at her job; she puts you right at ease even if you spent a lifetime being uneasy. She is not only a good therapist, but also a good person. I started the first session not trusting anyone in my ife, I can list 5 people I trust now- and if that is not a testament to her ability to repair broken worldview after trauma, nothing could be. Reaching out when you have trauma is already incredibly scary, but she made it worth it. A rare gem for sure, she knows her stuff very well. Her smile, and candour is bound to melt hearts and her wisdom is bound to help you grow. She goes at your pace. Sessions with her are collaborative and not top-down. Always open to feedback, she's a constant safe guiding presence everyone could help with. She did change my life and this is not an overstatement in any manner. Best wishes to her.

Pallavi, 21

I was diagnosed with strong symptoms of depression somewhere in the middle of 2021. I was totally clueless on a professional and personal front, and at the lowest I reached out for help after persistent denial. Having a loving and supportive family, I was still having irritability issues, loss of appetite, loss of confidence, feeling of disconnect with life, erratic crying amidst work and panic attacks. During this phase, I thought to myself as to why at such a young age, I am suffering while I have my whole life ahead of me. I started therapy with Ms. Sumedha Tulani, in the month of August and it continued till December. It is helping me recover from the toxicity and trauma of my college years and high school years before that. We touched upon several trigger points and she gave me the mechanisms to cope with anxiety and healing the features of depression that impacted my efficiency to function in day to day activities. The journey has been full of learnings, she has been very passionate, considerate, thoroughly professional and above all a kind person for whom I shall be grateful.

Shruti, 23

You really have answered a lot of my queries, now I will dive in to discover myself around them. Thank you so much for unwinding me and talking to me. You helped me heal my way, I never knew that was possible

Somya, 27
Marketing Manager

Working with Ms Sumedha has been a very positive experience. I had been struggling with depression and anxiety due to personal loss. As I attended her first therapy session I felt so light and positive she is a life saver for me. I got chance to disclose all my fears and guilt as she is very comforting, creates safe space for sharing. Her strategies and techniques are very beneficial as it helps me to get acceptance. Best part of the therapy was connecting with nature and oneself. I feel quite positive and confident now. I would like to recommend Ms Sumedha as best counsellor. Thanks.

Maanvi, 29

I had approached Sumedha to understand my own actions and responses to certain situations as I felt that, despite trying to be self aware and practicing to avoid giving extreme responses, I was lacking something. I also wanted to understand my attachment style which affected my responses also. In the course of our sessions, I was able to understand my actions better and where do they stem from. It helped me become more self aware and get a better hold of my responses to any given situation. I also got validation for my emotions which was quite important for me and pending from a long time. I'd also like to appreciate her for understanding my schedule and letting me have the sessions accordingly. Also, a couple of sessions were postponed at the last moment for which she didn't charge. This allowed me to open up more comfortably to her.

Priyanka, 28
Project Manager, Social Justice Dept.

Thank You So much! Whenever I feel low, I visit motheryourself first! And I feel good. I do that breathing exercise daily and it makes me feel relaxed. Even if I m facing low points, I handle it on my own. I am now able to say NO. I dance and exercise to get myself out of that upset zone. I think of what you said during the sessions and try to implement those things and literally from my heart, I feel I am blessed that I met you!

Aditi, 30
PGT Computer Science

I came to Ms. Sumedha Tulani after having a series of bad experiences with therapists who had accolades but lacked the actual qualities and skills required to be a good therapist. In the 8 months since I've been having sessions with her, I've never had the urge to look for another therapist, not in the slightest. Her practice is ethical and informed. Her ability to be deeply empathetic is heart warming. It is truly only of her many great qualities as a therapist. As a psychology student, I'd only ever heard the terms "unconditional positive regard" in theory - with her I saw it in practice. She has always made me feel heard and understood. She does not make me feel like my problems are silly or trivial, and neither has she ever disrespected how I feel.

Ananya, 21

Ms. Tulani has always been open to receiving feedback, moreover, she asks and encourages the same. She is open to criticism and takes the same sportingly, while simultaneously working on it to make sure that you never have the same complaint again. Ms. Tulani has provided me with practical solutions that have helped me immensely with my anxiety and low phases. While they don't solve your problems, they do give you some sort of structure that enables you to solve or at least face the problem. Moreover, she doesn't follow the trend of giving clients large amounts of 'homework', she prefers to work through stuff during sessions; her take on client-centred approach is lovely and I personally think it has been extremely beneficial for me.

Ananya, 21

Sumedha ma'am is patient in sessions, her entire focus is on the client, she doesn't attend calls, doesn't interrupt you, listens carefully and then asks you what you want from her - an explanation or advice. She has helped me develop a better understanding of my own self, which has in turn made me smarter, more aware to my own needs, patterns and reactions. I've requested Ms Tulani for sessions at a day's notice during tough and stressful times, and she has always been accommodating. All in all, I believe I've made real progress with her as my therapist, and I'd recommend her to anybody looking for a therapist who is kind and understanding, somebody who is willing to continue learning to be the best therapist you could ask for.

Ananya, 21

Sumedha is an awesome therapist. She is creative in her ways and truly cares for the person she is talking to. I have personally benefited from her sincere and truly feel great to have someone like her in my corner

Sahil, 28
Software Developer

As someone who was extremely unsure about whether therapy could offer much help, if any, Sumedha has defied and exceeded all my expectations. She's insightful, gentle, warm and well-informed. She's incredibly competent and offers a well calibrated space for anyone who has faced any trauma. Best wishes.

Palak, 20

It was my first therapy experience. Before coming to you I was so nervous and tensed about how it would go. But after the first session with you it was the opposite , you made me so comfortable and calm. You made me clear about so many things and I was able to understand the true meaning of anxiety and was able to accept it. In some sessions I was confused but it was all anxiety. And after 3 months now I would not say everything is different, as you also explained to me that it's about regulation and patience. I'm able to understand things broadly and my physical health issues are also healing a lot from which I was suffering for 1.5 years and wasn't able to accept that I needed some help. Thanks a lot for coming into my life.

Anurima, 25
[ Names are changed for the sake of confidentiality ]

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